About Us

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Thomas Johannsen
Mortgage Planning Specialist

I help homeowners win in the housing market by taking the time to carefully understand my client’s requirements, hopes, and needs as they relate to their mortgage choices. I also leverage technology and my education and experience in economic analysis to offer key insights on the various mortgage options— this leads to increasing my client’s accepted offers, as we as my client’s overall wealth through their homeownership.

I pride myself on being a responsive, thorough, and honest Mortgage Loan Professional. I am able to offer clients nearly every loan product available, at competitive rates, while maintaining high-quality service.

I am a volunteer with Global Golden Valley, CAPI (immigrant empowerment organization), and PRISM (People Responding in Social Ministry) Food Shelf, working to provide lasting positive impact in our community. I am also a member of Valley Community Presbyterian Church, an inclusive, faith community which focuses on doing good work to lift up the world.

Finally, I am a family man and try to be a friend to all, as the world can always use more love!

NMLS #2057640

Client Testimonials